Saturday, May 6, 2023

Tempat Terbaik

Di sini, adalah tempat yang kurasa terbaik untuk membagikan sedikit kisah.

Di tempat ini menjadi pilihan bukan tanpa alasan, begitulah bila ada yang masih bertanya mengapa....

Dari sekian banyak alasan ada salah satunya yang dapat kusebutkan disini, yakni agar dia ada di sana. Dia nyata dan sunggu-sungguh ada dalam pengakuan baik saat dia sendiri atau bersama yang lain.

Dia layak atau dipandang layak sudah bukan bagianku lagi untuk membicarakannya apalagi bagi yang baru mengenalnya, dengan segala atribut baru yang dikenakannya .

Sudah adil bagiku merasakan kebebasan di tempat ini, memandang sang pujaan, memiliki apa yang layak kubagikan untuk membuatnya semakin bahagia, bahwa iNi cara terindah yang dinanti oleh kita saat berbunga -bunga memandang dan menyentuh artinya cinta .....

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Lagi Fresh: Pengentasan...

Lagi Fresh: Pengentasan...: mau tau atau tidak ia  kupikir tidak beda jauh  dengan keadaan yang juga  pernah kualami dan kausaksikan  tidak masalah pernah ditertawakan ...

Monday, April 17, 2023

Selfie Mulu

Lagi Fresh: Selfie Mulu: Isinya apa Gak penting Senang saling bersapa biar puas rasa hati Asal jangan sampai Lagi dibilang Selfie mUlu katanya Ampe lupa ada dimana s...

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Color, sudah ada...

Selebihnya kemeja, potongan been an jeans, potongan rok  dan beberapa lagi yang tidak berbentuk 

Tidak pula ada akan dibentuk atau ditambahkan jadi sesuatu 

Hingga ia jadi sepotong cerita kecil...

Di tempat sesepi ini...

Ini pun tidak akan muncul bila tidak ada sepasang mata cinta yang meneriaki kumpulan perca itu dihuni kucing pendatang yang mencoba-coba merasakan keempukan dan kehangatannya...

Walau tak tahu banyak tentang maksud dan tujuan adanya dia disana, kuyakini dia termasuk binatang yang akan minum jika haus. Artinya ia sangat membutuhkan air. Anda boleh beranggapan, wah ini orang mencintai binatang, silahkan. Tetapi kalau pun sebaliknya juga tidak apa-apa untuk sekedar memiliki anggapan. Namun saya memperhatikan ia yang meneriaki merasa tidak aman dengan seekor pendatang yang bisa kehausan tersebut. Lalu dengan membawa sebuah gayung berisi penuh air menuju tempat itu, ternyata  sudah cukup, bukan saja untuk mengusir dahaganya kucing (dia tidak bicara kalau haus) tetapi mengusirnya dari tempat itu dan mungkin tidak kembali lagi.

Anda mungkin membayangkan, bagaimana air itu sampai merata pada semua permukaan yang digemari itu....

Semua yang terkumpul menjadi tidak rata keringnya Dan dapat dikuasai oleh keadaan basah...


Sunday, April 2, 2023

History of AI

 Hello, dear readers! Welcome to another edition of my blog, where I share my thoughts and opinions on various topics related to technology, science, and culture. Today, I want to talk about something that fascinates me: the history of AI.

AI, or artificial intelligence, is the field of computer science that aims to create machines or systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision making, perception, and natural language processing. AI is not a new concept; in fact, it has a long and rich history that spans centuries and continents. Let me take you on a brief tour of some of the milestones and achievements that shaped the development of AI.

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy in 1956 at a conference at Dartmouth College, where he invited a group of researchers to discuss "the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it". However, the idea of creating intelligent machines dates back much earlier.

One of the earliest examples of artificial intelligence is the mythical automaton Talos, a giant bronze man who guarded the island of Crete in Greek mythology. Talos was said to have a single vein running from his neck to his ankle, filled with a fluid called ichor that gave him life. He could hurl rocks at invaders and heat his body to scorch them with his touch. Talos was created by Hephaestus, the god of fire and metalworking, or by Daedalus, the inventor of the labyrinth.

Another ancient example of artificial intelligence is the mechanical chess-playing Turk, a hoax device that purportedly played chess against human opponents in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Turk was actually operated by a hidden human chess master who controlled the movements of the wooden figure on the board. The Turk amazed and fooled many people, including Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin, who played against it and lost.

In the 20th century, artificial intelligence began to take shape as a scientific discipline, influenced by advances in mathematics, logic, psychology, neuroscience, engineering, and computer science. Some of the pioneers of AI include Alan Turing, who proposed a test to measure machine intelligence (the Turing test); Claude Shannon, who applied information theory to chess-playing programs; Norbert Wiener, who developed cybernetics and feedback systems; Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts, who modeled neural networks with logic circuits; and Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy, who founded the first AI laboratory at MIT.

AI research flourished in the 1950s and 1960s, producing some remarkable achievements such as:

- Samuel's checkers program, which learned from its own experience and became one of the best checkers players in the world.

- Newell and Simon's Logic Theorist and General Problem Solver programs, which demonstrated reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

- Rosenblatt's perceptron, which showed how a simple neural network could learn to recognize patterns.

- McCarthy's Lisp language, which became the standard programming language for AI.

- Searle's Chinese room argument, which challenged the notion that machines can truly understand natural language.

However, AI also faced some challenges and limitations in this period, such as:

- The combinatorial explosion problem, which made it impractical to search through all possible solutions for complex problems.

- The frame problem, which made it difficult to represent and update knowledge about a changing world.

- The common sense problem, which made it hard to encode all the implicit assumptions and background knowledge that humans use in everyday situations.

- The ethical problem, which raised questions about the moral implications and responsibilities of creating intelligent machines.

These challenges led to a period of reduced funding and interest in AI research in the 1970s and 1980s,

known as the "AI winter". However,

AI did not die; it evolved and diversified into different subfields and applications,

such as:

- Expert systems,

which used rules and facts to emulate human experts in specific domains,

such as medicine,


and engineering.

- Machine learning,

which used statistical methods

and algorithms

to learn from data

and improve performance

without explicit programming.

- Computer vision,

which used image processing

and pattern recognition

to enable machines

to see

and understand visual information.

- Natural language processing,

which used linguistic analysis

and generation

to enable machines

to communicate

and interact with humans

using natural language.

- Robotics,

which used sensors,


and control systems

to enable machines

to move

and manipulate objects

in physical environments.

AI research regained momentum

and popularity

in the 1990s

and 200

The History of the Class

 Have you ever wondered how the concept of class emerged in human societies? Well, wonder no more, because in this blog post I will give you a brief and hilarious history of class.

Class is a way of dividing people based on their economic and social status. It is often related to factors such as wealth, income, education, occupation, culture and power. But how did it all start?

Some historians trace the origins of class to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and India, where complex societies developed hierarchical structures based on different roles and functions. For example, in ancient Mesopotamia, there were four main classes: the king and his family, the priests and nobles, the free citizens and the slaves. The king was at the top of the pyramid, while the slaves were at the bottom. The priests and nobles had access to land, education and religious authority, while the free citizens had some rights and duties, but also had to pay taxes and serve in the army. The slaves had no rights at all and were considered property of their masters.

However, some anthropologists argue that class is not a universal or natural phenomenon, but rather a social construct that emerged with the rise of capitalism and industrialization in Europe. They claim that before capitalism, most people lived in small-scale communities where they shared resources and had similar lifestyles. There was no clear distinction between rich and poor, or between rulers and ruled. People identified themselves more by their kinship, ethnicity, religion or occupation than by their class.

According to this view, class emerged when capitalism created a new mode of production based on private ownership of land and means of production, wage labor and market exchange. This led to the formation of two main classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie were the owners of capital who exploited the labor of the proletariat for profit. The proletariat were the workers who sold their labor for wages and had no control over their work conditions or products. The bourgeoisie accumulated wealth and power at the expense of the proletariat, creating a system of inequality and oppression.

Of course, class is not a static or simple concept. It has changed over time and across cultures. It has also been challenged by various movements and ideologies that sought to abolish or reform it. For example, socialism aimed to create a classless society where everyone would have equal access to resources and opportunities. Feminism exposed how class intersects with gender and how women are often disadvantaged by both patriarchy and capitalism. Postcolonialism revealed how class is linked to race and how colonialism created a global hierarchy of domination and exploitation.

So there you have it: a brief and hilarious history of class. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. If you want to know more about class or any other topic, feel free to leave a comment below or contact me through my social media accounts. And don't forget to subscribe to my blog for more funny and informative posts like this one. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Vaksin gagasan emang oye ...Kako ?

Lagi Fresh: Video ?: Ah bisa aja .... Nanti dikira peculiar Video terbaik tentu saja menjadi kesukaanku Apalagi digarap dengan sangat detail Enak ditonton dan ti...


banyak sudah 
yang  bertambah 
sangat asing dulunya 
kini kukenali sudah 

banyak sudah 
tiada terbantah 
nustahil  menghitungnya 
tetap asing nama dan kisah

banyak muncul 
dalam gerak nan jamak 
menjadi gambaran adanya 
beda dengan lukisan tua 
juga  poto hitam putih 
yang tidak mau bersuara...
kepastian itu milik masa lalunya...

Satu Titik Ujung Saja

  Sebuah tanda, menanda semua ... Bagaimana bisa? Tinju dapat dikepalkan sebagai penolakan, Umpatan dan segala sebut  Buatnya yang dirundung...